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Well, it’s been about 2 years since I last blogged. With the millions of mommy blogs out there I doubt anyone noticed. But I blog mostly as a means of self-expression and I really miss doing it. I got busy. All you parents out there know the drill. Between being a mom, working full-time, trying to maintain my friendships, spending time with my husband, trying to get in shape, and reading the thousands of articles and blogs about whether or not women can have it all, there was little time to do anything else. But for this I must make time. I have always loved writing. I’ve kept a journal since I was nine years old. And damn it, I have a lot to say. Whether or not anyone wants to hear about it is really irrelevant. It’s a blog. Read at your own risk. I’ll write about being a mom, about my struggle to get in shape and stop eating the shit in all our food, and about the people who inspire me or anger me. This is my journal, like the journal I kept when I was nine. But it’s no longer behind lock and key. I’d prefer not to talk to myself, so join this conversation.  Leave your comments. I’ll try not to disappear for a long time again.

All of the thoughts are mine and do not represent the company I work for.

Shout out to Liya Kredie who inspired me to return to this.  Read her blog here:

OC mom has won't have anytime to blog but as a founding member I'll keep her represented.
, OC mom won’t have anytime to blog but as a founding member I’ll keep her represented.  She’s expecting baby #2 but she didn’t even have time with baby #1 hence my skepticism about her current participation.  She’s also getting her master’s degree.  I give up.
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